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1. Pheromones
Pheromones in Greek comes from two syllables are Phero (carrier) and Mone (sensation). So it is a kind of chemical pheromones that serve to stimulate and had sexual allure in males and females.
So, this pheromone is a hormone that gives a signal to the opposite sex that the species are in heat or want dikimpoii. However, this can only be detected by the same species. For example, cats can only be detected by a cat and dog pheromones may not kecium by elephants.
As was the case in a few years ago in Yogyakarta. That is a tiger down the mountain only to find a female in heat inside the zoo.
2. Hemaprodit
Hemaprodit a condition of an individual having two sexes at once, and active both. Usually the animals owned by low levels or not perfectly appropriate human and other vertebrate.
This capability is one of them owned by the type of trematode worms, or cestodes. One type is Fasciola hepatic, or what we call the Liver flukes.
So, in a desperate situation if it does not have a partner, they will fertilize themselves, then release their eggs to develop into adults.
3. Cannibalism
Kanibalism is a situation where animals eat their own children. It usually occurs in hamsters, cats and other animals that instinctively will do for the good of their children as well.
Usually, children who eat is a handicapped child, so the mother took her conclusions are not able to survive in the jungle, as well as life.
The other reason for the mother lacking nutrition. In order to save some of his other son, the Parent usually sacrifice his son to another, no one can pass on their generation. So that the milk flowing for the sake of the baby nutrition.
4. Electric
Some animals have the ability to defend themselves by removing the electricity from his body. One is the electric eel. This is used when chasing his opponent. By way disentrum to weak prey animals and then be eaten.
The workings of the animal produce electricity almost equal to batrei. However, the electric eel animals are the discs in his body and fused with elektrocyt (electric cells) that will generate electricity to 220 V. The higher the number elektrocyt the power voltage will be higher. However, in animals that live in fresh water usually only low voltage.
5. Poison Venomous
Ever with a poisonous snake? Yep! One of them cobras. Could the animal can vary. There was issued by the bite, saliva, the stench up through the pores of the skin such as frogs colorful.
On this kind of cobra in particular, the toxins produced by sac racunn associated with their tusks. So when there bites, poison sac muscles will contract makes pouch depressed and could mengeluaarkan and in like needles into the body of the prey and animals bitten.
This poison will immediately immobilize prey nerve / animal bites. Will make the paralysis of the muscles in animals. Including the heart and diaphragm and lungs. Which makes animal / prey suffocation. And then the animals eat it.
6. Oral Fart
The uniqueness of the next animal is the hippopotamus. Ie mammals that spend most of their time in the water, even giving birth in the water too, waluapun these animals use lungs in breathing.
Kudanil fart through the mouth because duct towards the back (anus) is too narrow to pass because besides being small, hippopotamus also too much to eat. So that the gases formed by the metabolic processes squashed towards the front and make a hippopotamus fart through the mouth.
But do not imagine farts fart sounds properly human. However hippopotamus properly human fart, but they will open his mouth and pulled out a rather malodorous gases.
7. Eating feces (droppings) Alone
Agan never see animals that eat their own dung is not it? Just as dogs and some other animal species. Rabbits also like to do the same.
Usually in rabbits it is because the first food eaten is not absorbed perfectly, alias still there foods that should be processed again. Well, to get content, the feces are still nutritious it will be eaten back for a second time.
It biisa occurs because the rabbit's digestive still not perfect, so some of the content will be missed and should be processed twice.
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